What to do if psoriasis appears on the face?

Psoriasis is a non-infectious autoimmune disease characterized by severe redness, inflammation and peeling of the skin. The disease is difficult to treat and has a wave-like character - it continues with remissions and relapses. It is especially unpleasant when it affects the face, because this part of the body cannot be covered with clothes. Psoriasis on the face not only brings itching and discomfort associated with skin irritation, but also moral depression due to the attitude of others who do not understand that this disease is not contagious.

Is there psoriasis on the face?

In most cases, psoriatic skin lesions affect the scalp, elbows and knees, neck, armpits and inguinal cavity. Can there be psoriasis on the face? Perhaps, but this form is considered atypical and rare.

Psoriasis can be abrasive (regular) and seborrheic. It is the face that is often affected by the second form, which is considered worse due to the large dense papules, as well as scales covered with a layer of sebum with a yellowish color.

Factors that contribute to the development of the disease

Doctors have not been able to reach a general opinion on the cause of skin pathology, but suggest that psoriasis is caused by:

  • autoimmune disorders;
  • metabolic disorders.

Autoimmune disorders occur due to the insufficient work of the immune system, when it begins to feel its own body aggressively. The tendency to the disorder is inherited, autosomal dominant or recessive.

Alcohol dependence and smoking can trigger the development of psoriasis on the face

Metabolic disorders are provoked by nervous tension, malnutrition, chronic infections, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal disorders. Also, the cause of improper metabolism can be uncomfortable climatic conditions and bad habits.

Psoriasis cannot occur on the face for only one reason. It usually leads to many unfavorable factors. In a separate group, doctors identify factors that increase the likelihood of pathological manifestations:

  • chronic inflammation;
  • exchange failure;
  • immune system weakness;
  • hidden infection;
  • common skin injuries (the main cause of psoriasis on the nose and other prominent places);
  • severe or prolonged stress;
  • frostbite and overheating;
  • poisoning, including alcohol;
  • uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, beta blockers and antiviral drugs.

What does psoriasis look like on the face: types

There are two types of psoriasis on the face:

  1. It occurs at a young age - up to 40 years. The peak incidence occurs at the age of 16-24 years. Early pathology is often generalized, severe, difficult to treat and often relapsing.
  2. It affects people over the age of 40. The peak incidence occurs at the age of 55-60 years. This type is less persistent, symptoms are not as strong as the previous version, easier, better treated.

There are also two main types of psoriasis on the face: abrasive and seborrheic. Vulgaris is diagnosed in most patients and rarely affects the face. For such places, the type of seborrheic psoriasis is more characteristic, which often gives relapses, is more difficult to treat and is characterized by the maximum severity of symptoms. The papules are very dense and large, the scales are covered with a layer of sebum and have a yellowish color, which is why they are so noticeable.

This disease can be localized in the following places on the face:

  • on the cheek;
  • On the nose;
  • on the eyelids;
  • under eyes;
  • on the eyebrows;
  • around the mouth.

Sometimes the disease affects the forehead, less often psoriasis on the lips is diagnosed. In the neglected version, the skin defect can extend to the ear.

Clinical stage

Pathology is not immediate, it continues in stages, stages are called stages. It is advisable to start treatment at the first stage, but for this you need to know how psoriasis starts.

The degree of pathology can be determined by symptoms:

  1. Initially, facial psoriasis is manifested by papules that resemble acne marks. They itch, increase in size, form dry plaques. The skin underneath is white.
  2. Then, the affected skin becomes red, the disease becomes active (sebopsoriasis, or seborrheic). This stage is called progressive. The skin is very itchy, painful, peeling, covered with a dense yellow crust.
  3. Then the affected area starts to bleed and itch badly. Drops of blood come out after scraping the dense scale. The surface of the wound does not heal. Peeling goes all over the face, the itching becomes unbearable.
  4. After this, the stationary stage begins, where papule growth stops and peeling decreases. The plaque on the face acquires a bluish color.
  5. The last stage is regressive. All symptoms gradually disappear. The disease goes into remission, peeling and itching disappear completely, papules and plaques disappear.

Since psoriasis is chronic, after remission will definitely recur. The duration of remission is individual and largely depends on the correct treatment, as well as on facial skin care. If the pathology is not treated, then instead of remission, various complications can be obtained.

Consequences and complications

Complications of skin pathology can be local (the disease spreads to other parts of the body) and systemic. The neglected form of psoriasis often flows into arthritis, and if it passes through the eyelids and ears, then it can cause blindness and deafness. Also, comorbidities worsen in patients: diabetes, hypertension, obesity, Crohn's syndrome, heart failure. That is why it is so important to be treated on time.

How to cure psoriasis on the face

It is impossible to completely cure this disease, because it is chronic, but many years of remission can be achieved. For this, the treatment of psoriasis on the face should be complete - complex, consisting of the following procedures:

  • vitamin therapy;
  • hormonal and non-hormonal therapy with special systemic and local preparations;
  • physiotherapy;
  • maintaining a proper diet;
  • folk remedies.

Before treatment, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist and pass a set of standard tests to determine the pathological features. Therapy is selected individually and begins with special preparations against psoriasis.


The first outbreak, especially with a complex course, is treated with systemic drugs. Retinoids quickly and strongly fight the manifestations of psoriasis on the face. They stop the division of pathological cells, as a result of which the disease stops developing and goes into remission.

Antiallergic drugs will help reduce itching, redness, inflammation and swelling (symptomatic treatment). Medicines with succinic acid in the composition can accelerate the recovery of the skin and improve its condition. For general strengthening of the body, injections of group B vitamins are prescribed. Instead of injections, children can be given tablet vitamin complexes.

If the drug is ineffective, then the most powerful immunosuppressant drug against psoriatic rash is used instead. It is used as a last resort because of the high possibility of side effects.

Ointment for psoriasis on the face is prescribed for mild forms of the disease

In mild forms of the disease, as well as in childhood psoriasis, they try to treat with topical drugs - ointments, creams, gels.

How to apply psoriasis on the face, the doctor will tell you. Usually assigned:

  • ointment with salicylic acid 0. 5%;
  • ointment based on tar and sulfur, not less than 10% (active ingredient concentration);
  • naphthalan cream 5%;
  • glucocorticoid drugs;
  • non-hormonal cream of plant origin based on grease.

Creams and gels, as well as similar preparations for topical use, are applied to skin defects 2-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. Hormonal and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs increase the effectiveness of drug therapy:

  • non-hormonal - shark oil, vitamin F, cream based on natural oils and medicinal herbs, ointment with calcipotriol;
  • hormonal ointment for psoriasis.

In addition to the drugs listed, it is important to take sedatives (valerian, motherwort), because stress worsens the symptoms. After the pathological transition to a calm stage, physiotherapy is prescribed:

  • UV to accelerate skin regeneration;
  • radiotherapy against itching and inflammation;
  • ultrasound to reduce redness and swelling;
  • magnetotherapy to improve metabolic processes.

Therapy with folk remedies

How to treat skin psoriasis, traditional medicine recommends. Masks will help get rid of psoriasis from the face quickly at home:

  • from dry chamomile infusion - mix flowers, strain, dip gauze into the solution and apply to face, keep for 20 minutes;
  • from aloe - cut the leaves and rub the affected area of the face with the juice;
  • from turmeric - the spice is diluted with water to a mushy state and used on the plaque. You need to save 8-12 hours.

The face mask can be done every day or every day before going to bed for 2-4 weeks. Then it is desirable to take a short break, after which the course of treatment can be repeated.

Another powerful remedy for psoriasis on the face is concentrated essential oils (coconut, sea buckthorn, juniper). The oil is recommended to be added to the care cream or to the water for washing. They soften, nourish and moisturize the skin, facilitating the exfoliation of seborrheic psoriasis.

Pathology is well neutralized by sea salt, which must be added to the mask, washing water and scrub. Alternative treatment methods will not replace the official one, but will help speed up the healing process significantly. Such treatment is recommended to be combined with the use of pharmaceutical preparations.

Diet and lifestyle

All patients (even children) should follow a diet that eliminates all potential allergens: citrus fruits, coffee, chocolate, colorful vegetables, seafood. If psoriasis is on the forehead or cheeks, then you should definitely avoid sugar and starchy foods.

Also, the problem can be dealt with by giving up bad habits - alcoholism and smoking. The right way of life should be maintained continuously, even after the transition of the disease into remission.

Facial skin care

The care of problematic facial skin should be careful, regular and correct. For care, it is better to use a daily moisturizer for the face with vitamin D in the composition. It will improve the quality of the skin, soften it and fill it with nutrition for recovery. And you also need:

  • avoid actively rubbing the skin with a cloth towel (it is better to wipe your face after washing with a paper napkin);
  • during relapses, do not use decorative cosmetics for the face, especially in summer;
  • do not peel or injure the skin by peeling;
  • replace the shaver with an electric shaver (advice for men);
  • always protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays with the help of special creams and hats.

Is it possible to sunbathe with psoriasis in open areas of the body? No, the affected skin must be protected from the sun's rays, especially in the acute stage, because ultraviolet rays can cause complications.

Despite the specific nature of psoriasis on the face, with a comprehensive and efficient treatment approach, if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, the prognosis for achieving a long remission will be favorable.